Tópicos da aula do dia 07 de Abril de 2011

Acho que ninguém fez anotações dessa aula, por isso tomei a liberdade de escrever alguns tópicos que foram discutidas nessa aula.
MAL: O responsável fui eu, so coloquei agora


- West Churchman - Teoria de sistemas (parece que o Qiu tirou suas referências nessa época)
- Ackoff: Tims Interfaces


- Ida Hoos (socióloga) - "A critiguete" Systems Engineering

- Renst Interfaces of Tims
— Cerca 1970 "Looking throught a Gens Darkey"

Pontos de Schneider
- Pontos principais: service climatic

Heskett: service value chain
- grande estudo: mede safistação de cliente, empregado em uma amostra de 200 empresas, além da lealdade do cliente.

Satisfaçao do empregado <-> satisfação do cliente <-> lealdade do cliente <-> lucro

Isso só vale para empresas de serviços


At the beginning of the lecture, Carlos Humes made some comments. Amgonst others he talked about the books "Introdução À Teoria Dos Sistemas" by C. West Churchman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._West_Churchman). He mentioned Ackoff's "TIMS Interfaces" (The Institute of Management Sciences, http://interfaces.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/2/4/42) and Ida Hoos' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_R._Hoos) critics about systems analysis that up to this time didn't consider social and human aspects.

Discussed papers:
- Schneider, B., Bowen, D. E., "Modeling the Human Side of Service Delivery", 2009, Service Science 1(3), pp. 154-168

The paper deals with the necessity to create a "service climate" in enterprises that are delivering services. Service climate is defined "as the meaning people derive from the service quality policies, practices and procedures of organizations and the service quality behaviors that get rewarded, supported and expected there."

Claudio mentioned the classic work by Heskett about the value profit chain and that there is a relation between the satisfaction of customers AND employees, customer's loyalty and the level of profit.

/------------  service enterprises ----------------\
satisfação na empresa  <--->  satisfação do cliente  <--->  lealdade  <-correlação->  lucro
|-------------------  junto  ---------------------|